Understanding Diamond Clarity

Are you shopping for an engagement ring?

Buying diamonds can be confusing. This is especially true when you aren’t familiar with the types of diamonds in Texas and Arizona.

Diamonds are some of the most sought-after gemstones in the world. This is why their rarity and beauty make them valuable and prized possessions.

Here we will explore the complete diamond clarity scale. It’s used by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) to grade diamonds. This will help you understand what you’re looking at when you examine a diamond. Keep reading to learn more.

What is Diamond Clarity?

Diamond clarity refers to the presence or absence of inclusions and blemishes. Inclusions are internal flaws that can occur during the diamond’s formation, while blemishes are external flaws that can occur during the cutting and polishing process or during everyday wear.

These flaws can affect the diamond’s overall beauty and value. This is why it’s essential to understand a diamond’s clarity grade.

The Complete Diamond Clarity Scale

A scale from best to worse diamond clarity

The GIA created the complete diamond clarity scale, which ranges from Flawless to Included, to help diamond buyers understand the diamond’s clarity. The scale is as follows:

Flawless (FL)

Diamonds with no internal or external flaws when viewed under 10x magnification are considered flawless. These diamonds are rare and highly valued because they have no blemishes or inclusions that can affect their beauty or value.

Internally Flawless (IF)

A diamond with no internal flaws but may have minor blemishes on the surface when viewed under 10x magnification is considered internally flawless. These diamonds are also rare and highly valued. After all, they have no internal inclusions that can affect their beauty or value.

Very, Very Slightly Included (VVS1 and VVS2)

Diamonds with very small inclusions that are difficult to see under 10x magnification are classified as very, very slightly included. VVS1 diamonds have inclusions that are typically located near the edge of the diamond, while VVS2 diamonds have inclusions that are typically located in the center of the diamond.

These diamonds are still considered to be of excellent quality and are highly valued.

Very Slightly Included (VS1 and VS2)

Diamonds with small inclusions that are visible under 10x magnification but are not visible to the naked eye are classified as very slightly included. VS1 diamonds have inclusions that are typically located near the edge of the diamond, while VS2 diamonds have inclusions that are typically located in the center of the diamond.

These diamonds are still considered to be of high quality and are often more affordable than higher clarity grades.

Slightly Included (SI1 and SI2)

Diamonds with inclusions that are noticeable under 10x magnification and may be visible to the naked eye are classified as slightly included. SI1 diamonds have inclusions that are typically located near the edge of the diamond, while SI2 diamonds have inclusions that are typically located in the center of the diamond.

These diamonds are still considered to be of good quality and may be a more affordable option for those on a budget.

Included (I1, I2, and I3)

Diamonds with inclusions that are visible to the naked eye are classified as included. I1 diamonds have inclusions that are obvious and may affect the diamond’s durability. I2 diamonds have inclusions that are obvious and may affect the diamond’s transparency and brilliance.

I3 diamonds have inclusions that are very obvious and may affect the diamond’s overall appearance and structural integrity. These diamonds are considered to be of lower quality and are typically less valuable than diamonds with higher clarity grades.

How Clarity Affects a Diamond’s Value

The clarity grade of a diamond can have a significant impact on its value. Diamonds with higher clarity grades, such as Flawless or Internally Flawless, are rare and desirable, making them some of the most expensive diamonds on the market. Diamonds with lower clarity grades, such as Included, are more common and therefore less expensive.

It’s important to note that a diamond’s value is determined by a combination of all Four Cs, not just its clarity grade. A diamond with a lower clarity grade may still be valuable if it has excellent cut, color, and carat weight.

How to Determine a Diamond’s Clarity Grade

Determining a diamond’s clarity grade requires careful examination of the diamond under magnification. A gemologist or trained diamond appraiser will use a loupe or microscope to examine the diamond for inclusions and blemishes.

Keep in mind that a diamond’s clarity grade can be affected by its cut. A diamond with a poor cut may appear to have more inclusions or blemishes than it actually does, while a diamond with an excellent cut may appear to have fewer inclusions or blemishes than it actually does.

This is why it’s important to work with a reputable diamond dealer who can give you a diamond grading report from a reputable laboratory, such as the GIA.

What should one do when examining a diamond in a physical retailer?

When you’re, at a jewelry store. Looking at diamonds there are a few important steps to help you make an informed choice. First and foremost it’s crucial to examine the diamond under lighting conditions. Take your time to walk around the store and view the diamond from angles. This way you’ll be able to spot any flaws that might not be immediately noticeable under lighting. Keep in mind that some imperfections could be concealed by the diamonds brilliance when seen at the counter but might become more apparent in settings like your kitchen or other lighting environments. That’s why it’s essential to assess the diamond under lighting conditions so that you don’t overlook any flaws. By doing this you can avoid letdowns. Feel more confident, about your decision when purchasing a diamond.

What are the recommended clarity grades when purchasing a one-carat diamond?

When you’re looking to buy a one carat diamond it’s an idea to focus on diamonds, with clarity grades ranging from VS2 to SI2. This range gives you a chance of finding a diamond that appears clean to the eye. A chart displaying the probability of finding eye diamonds supports this recommendation. According to the data on the chart your best bet for finding an eye one carat diamond is typically within the VS2, to SI2 clarity grades.

What is the best clarity grade?

Determining the clarity grade, for a diamond can be subjective and dependent on preferences. However one widely recognized clarity grade is known as Flawless (FL). A Flawless diamond is highly sought after because it is considered to be free from any external flaws.

While a Flawless grade may seem appealing it’s important to note that diamond clarity goes beyond the assigned grade. An essential factor to consider is whether the inclusions within the diamond are visible to the eye once the diamond is set in a ring. This determines how flawless the diamond appears when worn.

The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) emphasizes that many inclusions and blemishes are actually too tiny to be seen without magnification tools like a magnifying glass or microscope for trained experts who assess diamonds. This means that a diamond with a clarity grade, such as VS1 or SI2 might appear indistinguishable from a Flawless diamond when viewed without magnification.

Hence determining the clarity grade shouldn’t solely rely on achieving the possible grade; rather it should focus on ensuring that any imperfections, within the stone remain unnoticeable without magnification. Ultimately the goal is to select a diamond that looks flawless when worn on its merits of solely relying on its assigned clarity grade.

What is a diamond clarity chart?

A diamond clarity chart is a tool used to evaluate diamonds based on their imperfections and inclusions. It provides a grading system that assigns each diamond a grade indicating how visible these imperfections are. The chart includes grades starting from I (included) and going up to FL (flawless). Each grade also has subgrades that provide information, about the visibility of inclusions. Esteemed organizations, like the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) use these charts to examine diamonds and determine their clarity grade based on where they fall on the scale.

Does Finer Jewelry have high-end photography for reviewing diamonds?

When you want to examine diamonds, for any flaws or inclusions it’s crucial to not rely on the certificate and clarity plot but also physically inspect the diamond.   At Finer Jewelry we provide top notch photography specifically tailored for this purpose. We offer crystal images of our diamonds enabling customers to thoroughly review them and make well informed decisions. By utilizing our photography services potential buyers can meticulously assess the quality of the diamond. Spot any observable imperfections or inclusions.

A Guide to the Diamond Clarity Scale

Shopping for diamond rings can be an overwhelming experience. The key is to educate yourself so that you’ll know what you’re looking for. Fortunately, our guide to the diamond clarity scale will help make the process a little easier so that you can enjoy this special time in your life.

Please contact us today so that one of our diamond specialists can help you find the perfect stone in Texas or Arizona.